Thursday, July 3, 2008

Estranged soul..

Non of it comes to me..
why from truth do ppl flee?
non of it makes sense to me..
why get jealous frm other's glee?
non of it i understand..why curse the inevitable fate's hand?
non of these would i ever..
acknowledge neither perceive, never
Estranged soul i have become..
little love left for one to cherish.
hatred now dominates the passion,
little truth, little love, little trust
that was miraculously left...
now begins to crumble down with the crust.
non of it washes down to me...
give it some thought...won't ye??
estranged soul else u would be..!


Mohit said...

If m not wrong, this is the first poem from u to me....i mean reading this i became ur fan....
do i need to say anything more?? :)

Asad Ali Maan said...

Estranged soul we all have become!