Friday, July 11, 2008


I dunno when I wud get to know the chemistry of other ppl. Ppl who are around me….whom I know. Some of them like my company…feels pleasure in my presence and makes me feel like sumone whereas sum just hate me…dislike me, loathe me…can’t even stand me. It’s a deep mystery. I dunno why when all the time am the same with everybody…the same self…..without any pretending then why sum hate me n sum love me??I dunno why sum ppl have dirty mind n cheap thought. Why don’t they think before pointing at sumbody not knowing that the rest of the fingers point at their own self. Why don’t they stand in other ppl’s shoes to feel the things with their point of view….see the things from their eyes.Why this world has become a mere cage of deceit…only treachery dominates here…why feelings don’t have any place here anymore..??Everybody thinks that whtever he’s doing is perfectly rite….why don’t they think before taunting and saying trash abt other ppl…I must add here saying things abt those ppl who they don’t even know...then why the hell do they spit crap!!!!Oh God! I never wish to think bad abt these ppl. I just want to forgive them…I know it’s the best act in ur eyes, God, but I am only a human being.No matter how hard I hold my tongue….grip my mind…sometime I just can’t tolerate anything. God, you are above all…above everything, you are the Al-might….the Al-merciful but wht am i??...A simple sinful human being…
So God it’s just too hard to control my anger and frustration when ppl do bad with me or with anybody else…Its not being bad and harsh just once but again n again and after all God am just a human…I can’t forgive them always….no matter how hard I try. I wish the person who does bad…thinks trash abt others without knowing them…just breaks his legs….fractures his arm…..falls down frm a tree….or at least the same thing happens to him…that sumone else also says trash abt him…thinks bad. Just to give him the taste of his own medicine.I just dunno why ppl do bad to others, why don’t they care about others feelings.Why don they reckon that today they are hurting someone but tomorrow they can also get hurt by someone they love, cherish n adore. You know wht…I do pray that sumthing like this happens to them. That someone they treasure…betrays them. Only then they wud feel it…only then they wud stand in other ppls shoes.I do wish…just to make them taste their own medicine….


Mohit said...

Can I assume it as a deep insight in ur thoughts.... clean yet agitated... soft yet hardened....
but this is life dear...
A highway ride without jerks is not possible!!! :)

Bigg wala CHEERS!!! :) :)

U write so well...lemme say it again!!! :)

Sundus said...

...thanku so much.

Ahmed Belal Hashmi said...

yup, mohit is right, get a grip, sandhu, too many people have spoiled more than enough days ov their lives cuz o such expectations as good where it doesnt exist...

Asad Ali Maan said...
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Asad Ali Maan said...

U have beautifully depicted an exremely bitter reality.
There is originality in ur thoughts and the feeling for vengeance.
Keep it Up! But also keep it limited till ur writings only.
For ur real life i would advice,
No expectation is the best expectation!

Sundus said...

aahh..yes thats wht i concluded too.
thanks Lawyer!

Unknown said...

I juz chkd tiz one yet again RANDOMLY! N now I am wondering whether do yew kno magic ta write sucha naaice "reality-revealing" thotful composition? :)

Truly fantabulous! I lurvd yewr observationz yew wud hv surely made b4 composing tiz ;)